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Four guns of the Apocalypse unleashed in store

Categories: Offers


Descend into Halloween madness with four guns of the Apocalypse unleashed in store!

Desert Tech MDR-C, Remington MSR, PKP Pecheneg and USAS-12 will roam till November the 6th.

Desert Tech MDR-C

It is an Engineer's gun that allows barrel and zoom upgrades. This bullpup SMG features controlled recoil, quick reloading and high damage, which allows to pierce helmets even when using a silencer.

As usual, you can get special achievements for making 10 000, 25 000 regular and 999 golden weapon kills respectively!

Remington MSR

Remington MSR is the undisputed champion of long-range shootouts with one-shot capability. Definitely a solid pick for PvP, isn’t it?  The rifle also comes with several available attachments, two of them are unique: a 4x Bushnell Fastzoom scope and a Remington suppressor that increases minimal damage through stabilization. 

PKP Pecheneg

PKP Pecheneg is the true golden king of delivering devastating damage and sowing sheer havoc among your enemies. Owing to its superb damage and rate of fire values, this Rifleman's weapon is well-suited for laying down suppressive fire and firing precise bursts. You have a broad selection of scopes per your preference, including the Fast 3x Zoom MCA scope. You can additionally outfit Pecheneg with a flash guard or suppressor depending on your playstyle, enhancing its effective range or accuracy per your choosing. There’s little room for rail modifications, and thus the gun comes equipped with a deployed bipod for improved sway control and accuracy when firing rested.


As a combat shotgun, USAS-12 is designed to mercilessly dispatch any enemy in the path of its user - provided that they get close enough. While not as rapid-firing as VEPR, it is far more potent and accurate, and yet retains its speed. Not to mention, it outranges many other shotguns with the effective range of 5.5. On top of these specs, it comes with a 20-round mag and carries 40 total ammo, making it a prime weapon for Medics that like unorthodox, bold strategy.

On through the dead of night with these guns shall you fight!


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