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Tigerstripe camo series crouches into store

Categories: Offers


Put on the mantle of the hunter with practical “Tigerstripe” camouflage, perfect for jungle warfare.

The full collection is listed below. Just navigate to any corresponding gun in your inventory, open the camo section and directly purchase an addition to your skin collection. Please remember that weapon camouflage only changes the appearance of your gun and not its stats.


Tigerstripe camo for IMBEL IA2



Tigerstripe camo for Beretta ARX160


Tigerstripe camo for PKP Pecheneg


Tigerstripe camo for Fabarm P.S.S.10




Tigerstripe camo for MAG-7


Tigerstripe camo for Fabarm S.A.T. 8 Pro



Tigerstripe camo for Tavor CTAR-21


Tigerstripe camo for PP-19 Bizon




Tigerstripe camo for CZ Scorpion EVO 3 A1



Tigerstripe camo for Desert Tech MDR-C



Tigerstripe camo for Calico M951S


Tigerstripe camo for CZ 75-Auto



Tigerstripe camo for AX308


Tigerstripe camo for Mateba Autorevolver




Tigerstripe camo for M40A5


Tigerstripe camo for Jagdkommando



Make yourself the one they all fear!

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