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Register for K.I.W.I. Tournament Open Qualifiers II

Categories: ESports

Dear players!

The first qualifiers for K.I.W.I. Tournament LAN-Finals in Moscow are over!

Greet the winners of Warface K.I.W.I. Challenge Cup Open Qualifiers I: Astarta1stTimeTilted and Asperity.

These four teams have gained access to the Playoff that will take place on the 22nd of July.  Four more will be determined through Open Qualifiers II, the registration for which is opened till the 11th of July.


Playoff Prize Pool

  • 1st place – participation in the LAN-Finals
  • 2nd place – 5% of  overall K.I.W.I. Challenge Cup prize pool + one weapon of your choice from K.I.W.I. series for a period of 15 days.
  • 3rd place – 4%  of  overall K.I.W.I. Challenge Cup prize pool + one weapon of your choice from K.I.W.I. series for a period of 15 days.
  • 4th place -  3%  of  overall K.I.W.I. Challenge Cup prize pool + one weapon of your choice from K.I.W.I. series for a period of 15 days.
  • 5th – 6th places - 2% of overall K.I.W.I. Challenge Cup prize pool per team + one weapon of your choice from K.I.W.I. series for a period of 15 days.
  • 7th – 8th places - 20000 Kredits per team + one weapon of your choice from K.I.W.I. series for a period of 15 days.

You can re-watch  the matches of Warface K.I.W.I.: Open Qualifier I on our official channel.


Hurry up and join the tournament that is open for all the participants of K.I.W.I. global operation!

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