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Soon in game: DP-27

Categories: Offers

Riflemen rejoice!

The next game update will feature a new LMG, DP-27. This particular weapon has made its name on the Eastern Front in WW2, serving as the primary infantry support weapon for the Red Army. Nothing says time-tested better than that!


Designed by Degtyaryov in 1927, this light machine gun was one of the first to be mass-produced in USSR. Nicknamed the “record player" for its distinctive “pan"-looking magazine atop the barrel, this LMG proved incredibly reliable. Despite a plethora of moving parts, its design ensures minimal maintenance and natural synergy between the parts, making it an easy weapon to use.

A total of 795,000 DP LMGs were produced, as the model went on to serve in various countries supported by the Eastern Bloc, including China, Vietnam and more.


DP-27 will be joining the heavy-hitter division in Warface, bringing extremely high damage coupled with great accuracy to the field. The golden variant of this firearm will have increased range, rate of fire and magazine capacity values.


Landing killing blows with this LMG will award you with various unique achievements that can be showcased on your profile as marks, badges or stripes. Not to mention the iconic growling golden bear for scoring kills with the golden variant!

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