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Earth Shakers Awaken

Categories: Offers

Do you hear a distant roar? Do you feel the ground shattering beneath your feet?

Know that Earth Shakers have awakened and you can now find “Earth Shaker” MSG 500 Custom,

EXAR-L PDW and TWM X308 in the shop!

MSG 500 Custom “Earth Shaker”

MSG 500 Custom is a highly competitive pump-action shotgun. Its impressive damage allows you to one-shot pretty much everyone but Heavy Gunners at close range, while its reload sequence of one-bullet-at-a-time makes it possible to bring mayhem to the battlefield – for a prolonged period of time. No one is going to stop medics from doing their jobs. No one! 

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EXAR-L PDW “Earth Shaker”

Engineers do not only excel in handling explosives, they are adept fighters at close range. And there’s no gun suited better for extreme missions ahead than the searing-hot “Earth Shaker” EXAR-L. This PDW is designed to deliver undisputed performance in close quarters: consistent competitive damage coupled with decent efficient range is superior to many other SMGs and weapons of this class.

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TWM X308 “Earth Shaker”

Sniper’s dream come true – TWM X308 “Earth Shaker” gives no second chances to your foes thanks to its supreme damage. Even if you hit a limb. Its high range, good RPM and matching accuracy will make sure no rat runs from the ship. And don’t forget to make use of attachments – this gun boasts a high number of them!

Devastate your foes with earth shaking power!

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