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Last chance to register for the Ultimate Summer Cup

Categories: ESports

Weekend draws near and that means, in a few days’ time up to 64 teams will be going at it for the main prize – the title of the Summer Cup champion.

But hey, it doesn’t end there. As mentioned in the previous announcement, July’s update will introduce the tournament weapon skins so many of you have yearned for; these will be introduced part of the Avalanche series. Check ‘em out below!

Are you going to be the one to walk away with these? Be among the four top placed teams and they’re secured for you!

The registration stage ends at 12:00 UTC, 13th of July. Let me remind you that all communication – essential and mandatory for conducting the tournament – will be taking place on Discord. So if you’re a captain, make sure to join the server here.

To delve a little into the future, the results in this, the previous and future tournaments will likely count towards initial placements in the future leagues. So if you’re after the points – getting placed higher matters!

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