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April Fast Cup – Asteria emerges victorious!

Categories: ESports


April Fast Cup is now officially concluded. Eight teams made it to quarterfinals through intense elimination rounds to compete in the best of three format for the main prize – 10000 Kredits, permanent Tournament gear for player’s class of choice, and permanent Hexagon weapon skins.

The most hardcore and hard-fought matches were streamed by our community members: mickey_ACE and Swiss Warface. Click the names to proceed to their channels and tournament video compilations.

The definite highlights of the tournament are the rivalries between CEW and CyReX as well as XIII and Cute through the double- and octofinals, and we definitely yearned to see the match between XIII and Cute – however, both latter teams have put up an outstanding, engaging fight against the victors of the event – Asteria.

We thank all teams for participating and display of sportsmanship, we hope you have enjoyed the thrilling action. Read further for the winners or check all tournament results here.

Team Ranking Rewards per player
Asteria 1st place 10000 Kredits, permanent tournament set for the class of choice, permanent Hexagon weapon skins
Exception 2nd place 5000 Kredits, Tournament set (class of choice, 90 days), Hexagon weapon skins (90 days)
fatalis, XIII 3rd-4th places 3000 Kredits, Tournament set (class of choice, 30 days), Hexagon weapon skins (30 days)
WATAHA_PL, CyReX, Cute, TeamEU 5th-8th places 2000 Kredits, Tournament set (class of choice, 7 days), Hexagon weapon skins (7 days)

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