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Discontinuing support for DirectX 10

Kategoria: Ważne


As you know, the Warface team has been carrying out a smooth transition to DirectX 11. Earlier we decided to stop supporting DirectX 9. We will soon discontinue our support for DirectX 10. Read on to learn more about the upcoming changes.

Discontinuing support for DirectX 10

In one of the upcoming updates, the game client will no longer support DirectX 10. This transition will allow us to fully employ the capabilities of modern GPUs to improve quality and performance, as well as eliminate a number of issues with DirectX 10. At the same time, the development resources will be used more efficiently meaning that there will be more cool content.

How do I know which version of DirectX I have?

Click on "Start" with the RMB, select the "Run" tool and enter dxdiag in the field that will appear. After a few seconds, there will pop up a window where you can find the supported version of DirectX.

DirectX 11 Executable Library System Requirements
  • Windows 7 or higher;
  • video cards ATI Radeon HD 5750 or higher or GeForce GTS 450 or higher;
  • the processor graphics core Intel HD Graphics 4000 or higher.

You can check out the game system requirements here.

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