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Season "Rock Solid": Full Change Log


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Game Improvements

Progression System

The progression system is a linear character development throughout its in-game life. Previously, it included ranks and the vendor system that stimulated players to move on, reach new heights and receive various in-game bonuses for their success.

The old system was outdated - important items for beginners (for example, Specter equipment) unlocked via the vendor system became available too late; it was not interesting to develop the character; there were no new ranks, and the rewards for them were unattractive. Another significant disadvantage of the existing progression was that it was difficult for a new player to understand.

We decided to change this by redesigning the system so that the player always had the motivation to level up, no matter what stage of the game they are currently at. You can learn more about the new system from a dedicated publication.

Players who have a certain rank at the moment the system goes live will receive rewards for the current and previous levels only after the first gain of experience. This measure is necessary to reduce the load after integrating the new system into the game. 

Texture Streaming

We continue reworking textures for the full-fledged operation of the technology, which allows us to optimize the load on the PC. This update is the second step in the process and it weighs ~10.69 GB. Details.

Reworked Interface

This season, we will gradually implement both visual and technical tweaks to improve the user experience with the game interface. The list of improvements includes:

  • updating player progress section;
  • displaying equipment specs in the modification window, a pop-up window notifying about obtaining a new item;
  • updating item information pop-up (e.g. Battle Pass level up reward);
  • technical improvements to the interface - the performance of the game client has been improved in some sections;
  • updating certain icons.


  • Resource caching when displaying weapons in the first person view has been optimized. Previously, in battle, all weapon models used by players were loaded and saved in the cache. Now, the game will load only those models that the player can see on the screen. It aims to deal with freezes in action-packed matches that could occur while joining matches and switching between classes.
  • Improved lantern shadows. Objects no longer have flickering shadows. Incorrect shadows on fences have also been fixed.

Seasonal Content

"Rock Solid" Battle Pass

A new improved Battle Pass season "Rock Solid" is live. We have made several important changes to it: premium access is now more affordable; the free access yields more valuable permanent prizes; and, now, the BP experience gain also depends on the number of kills. Learn more in a dedicated publication.

Key Changes                                       F.A.Q.

"Rock Solid" and "Vigilant" Series

The frames of the new arms are designed in a strict, restrained style. Models of the new series have a unique geometry and will appeal to fans of simple camouflages without bright elements.

The "Rock Solid" series includes the OTs-14 Groza, IWI Carmel, Mossberg 590 Custom, Kalashnikov USA Komrad 12, AKS-74U, M4 SMG Custom, Mauser Kar98k, M4 Marksman Custom, Makarov Pistol, Colt M1911A1 and Hunting Knife.

The "Vigilant" series includes the following models: IWI Galil ACE 23, Benelli Super Black Eagle 3, SIG 552 Commando, Benelli MR1, H&K P30 and Karambit.

"Rock Solid" Equipment

We are glad to present to you the new "Rock Solid" gear set. It includes items for each class. The more set pieces you equip, the better set bonus you can get.

The "Rock Solid" gear set boasts excellent bullet protection and health and armor recovery.

The equipment set sports different parameters for PvE and PvP: it has a lower incoming damage reduction bonus in PvE. These changes aim to prevent situations when mobs can not deal damage to the player due to too high defense values of the gear.

Weapon Charms and Achievements

The game now offers a set of charms and achievements inspired by the new Battle Pass season. With their help, you can decorate your favourite arms and profile. You will receive new customization items upon unlocking certain Battle Pass levels.

Battle Pass Achievements

New Weapon Charms

Tokens and Knife

Bon Voyage

Lucky Coins



Off-Season Content

St. Patrick's Day

The game sports the series of weapons and equipment "Celtic Warrior" and "Lucky" dedicated to St. Patrick's Day. In addition, you can now decorate your profile with unique achievements and equip a charm for good luck. Get your hands on the thematic novelties or earn them in a special contract!

The "Celtic Warrior" series includes the H&K P30, Bat, a helmet and gloves. The "Lucky" series comprises the Sapper Shovel, Patrick Gloves and Patrick Helmet.

Contract Details

Click on the image to see the list of tasks and rewards.

Other Novelties
  • The game now features an alternative combination to activate the slide. It works in the following way: while dashing, the player presses the "crouch" button (Ctrl by default), thereby performing a slide. This movement works as a transitional state between the dash and the crouch positions. Therefore, the final pose depends on the options selected for the crouch in the settings: "to press the button" or "to hold the button". The new scheme can be activated or disabled in the control settings.
  • Added thematic content: Bulat HX Outdoors Trident, a charm and a set of achievements (a mark, badge and stripe).
  • Added eSports content: a set of achievements, knifes and a charm.
  • Added items for the in-game store including "Apostate" and "Snowstorm" equipment sets.

Content Changes

Reworked Maps "Phantom Zone" and "Oil Depot"

In the current season, we continue to improve your favourite maps. The "Phantom Zone" and "Oil Depot" maps have been significantly redesigned. They sport visual and gameplay improvements.

The "Phantom Zone" map now boasts upgraded looks, new weather conditions and redesigned lighting. In addition, various effects and anomalies have appeared on the map.

The "Oil Depot" map has also changed - object looks have been improved, and unintended spots that could be shot through have been removed. The map offers new passages allowing players to attack from new positions.

Hurry to check out the changes in the game and share your thoughts about the redesigned maps!

Weapons and Gear

  • Kalashnikov MP-155 Ultima (all versions): improved the digital display; now, it shows the remaining ammo and system time.
  • SPAS-12 Special (all versions): simplified the weapon model in third person view.


  • Contract system:
    • changed access level conditions for some contracts;
    • the VP booster has been replaced by the XP booster in the task completion rewards.
  • Massive removal of expired items:
    • you can see the full list of expired items before deleting them;
    • now, items that can be prolonged can be deleted as well.
  • The loading screen, shooting range and game lobby have been replaced with their seasonal versions.
  • The VP column has been removed from the match reward table.
  • The VP boost icon has been removed from the main menu.
  • Updated localization: added some missing game descriptions, fixed some inconsistencies.
  • Updated loading screens and welcome screens - the Crytek logo is no longer displayed.
  • The Character Boost program has been disabled.

Soon in game

Benelli MR1

The Benelli MR1 is a self-loading carbine manufactured by the Italian company Benelli Armi SpA. It offers a semi-automatic fire mode, excellent damage and weak recoil. In addition, the weapon will please snipers with a high rate of fire.

The golden version features an increased magazine capacity.

The basic effective range value of the novelty is 60 meters, but you can improve it with the help of a unique suppressor. In the game, the firing range (65 meters) is displayed taking into account the default Benelli MR1 suppressor.

In the seasonal box, you can get weapons from the "Rock Solid" series. The regular and the golden versions will be available later. Stay tuned for updates on how to get them.

"Bang!" Series

We are glad to present to you a new weapon series "Bang!" with cool colourful looks. The frames of the models are set in the style of pop art and will remind you of comics. The series includes the SPAS-12 Special and the Grand Power SR9A2.

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed vulnerabilities that could allow players with third-party software to move other players or perform certain actions on behalf of another player.
  • Fixed a bug due to which, in some cases, after a pause, visual artifacts in the form of a tile of squares appeared on the screen.
  • Heist: fixed a bug due to which, in some places, the player could fall under the level textures.

Weapons and Gear

  • Valkyrie FN SCAR-H Special: fixed a bug due to which the reticle of the EOTECH 553 collimator differed from the icon.
  • Golden scope for pistols (x2): fixed artifacts in the lens.
  • Cobray Striker Special: fixed a bug due to which different versions of the weapon displayed different specs.
  • Golden Karambit: fixed a bug due to which it was impossible to equip the camo "Englishman" on the weapon.

PvE and Spec Ops

  • Sunrise: fixed an exploit that allowed players with third-party software to move the shield over longer distances.
  • Swarm: fixed some reasons due to which bugs' hits did not always deal damage to the player.
  • Mars (Easy): fixed a bug due to which, when using the Hidden War Dragunov SR Special, there were visual artifacts on the first cutscene.
  • Pripyat, Operation Blackwood, Sunrise: fixed a bug due to which, in some cases, mini-bosses did not react to the player.


  • Fixed a bug due to which some players with a large number of items in their inventories experienced difficulties when logging into the game.
  • Fixed a bug that could allow players to install achievements in the wrong slot (e.g., a stripe instead of a mark).
  • Fixed a bug due to which, after quickly sending several messages, the timer for sending the next message was not displayed in the chat (there is a limit in the chat - a certain number of messages per interval).
  • Winter Ops PVE Contract: fixed the wrong category.

Known Bugs

We are currently working with the technical issues, which appeared after the update installation. You can learn more about them here.

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