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"Lucky Roll" and Great Gatsby shop update

Categories: General


The "Lucky Roll" offer is back! Would you like to get your hands on cool weapons and other nice prizes? Get victories in matches to gain free tries. Go to a special page, accumulate the attempts and try your luck. The lucky ones will be truly blessed - powerful permanent and temporary regular as well as golden weapons are at stake. The rewards also feature boxes with cool guns and cards for crafting.

Do you want to expand your arsenal even further? Then check out the fresh shop update, that brings golden weapons and heaps of random boxes!

Great Gatsby Shop update

The following line-up will be available in store till around 9:00 UTC (11:00 CEST) on the 16th of April:
  • Random boxes with weapons from the "Great Gatsby" series for Kredits with a 30% discount: SV-98, AMB-17, Kel-Tec KS7, SIG MPX SBR Custom, Stoner LMG A1, Thompson M1928, Marlin 1894 Custom, CZ 805 BREN A2, HArms CQR, Winchester 1887, Remington MSR, H&K G28, Maxim 9, S&W M&P R8, Katana, Gerber Tomahawk, TEC-9.
  • Golden weapons via Direct Sale for Kredits with a 30% discount: H&K MG5 121, and Stoner LMG A1.
  • Free card via Direct sale for Kredits with a 15% discount.

Lucky Roll

This offer is already active and will last till 20:59 UTC (22:59 CEST) on April 15th on a special page. Open the playing field, make a throw - and take the reward! And if you want to increase your chances and concentrate only on valuable items, eliminate unappealing options with the help of special points.

Now the offer participants can get up to two free attempts — one for every day of the offer duration. Tries are easy to earn: just win 5 Ranked Matches every day.

  • The attempts will be granted automatically once the condition is met. You can track the victory progress and the status of the throw gain on the promotion page.
  • You can earn only one try every day of the offer duration.
  • If the player did not manage to get five victories, the daily attempt expires, and the accumulated progress is transferred to the next day. For example, if you win three matches on the first offer day, you will need to get only two victories on the second day. After that, you will receive one attempt.

Please note: participants of the offer cannot sell received items on the Marketplace. All spendings made in the framework of the "Lucky Roll" promotion do not count towards the spending progress for other offers.

Try your luck!

Description of key offer mechanics

 "Lucky Roll" attempts

This is the main currency that is needed to rotate the polyhedron. With its help, you take part in the promotion and win prizes.
  • The cost of an attempt is 50 Kredits. After confirming the purchase, funds are debited from your in-game account.
    Not enough funds error
    If you have the required number of Kredits on your account, but while carrying out the purchase, you see a notification "Your account has insufficient funds", follow the instructions below:

    1. Open the in-game store.
    2. Purchase any item with Warface Dollars or Crowns.
    3. Wait a couple of minutes for the information on the account status to be updated on the website, and try again to make the purchase in the framework of this offer.
  • You can make throws until the available attempts are exhausted.

 Exclusion Points

Additional currency, which is required to exclude uninteresting lots from the drawing. It allows you to increase the chances, leaving only the items you really need in the prize pool.

  • You will be able to earn Exclusion Points by topping up your account during the offer. By reaching certain thresholds, you will receive 1 exclusion point, but not more than 4 points during the promotion duration. Learn more in the spoiler below.
    Points Accumulation Information
    Top-up Exclusion Points
    100–249 Kredits You will be provided with one point of exclusion. Total: 1.
    250–499  Kredits You will earn one more exclusion point. Total: 2.
    500–999  Kredits You will earn one more exclusion point. Total: 3.
    1000  Kredits and more You will earn one more exclusion point. Total: 4.

    For example: if you top up your account for 600 Kredits, you will immediately receive 3 exclusion points. And if you make an additional payment of 400 Kredits and reach the total top-up amount of 1000 Kredits, you will be granted one point more. In total, your account will have 4 points.

  • Up to 4 lots can be excluded at the same time. If the exclusion limit has already been reached, the option will not be available.
  • After clicking the "Exclude Lot" button, the items will be removed from the drawing, and the spent exclusion points will be temporarily deducted from your account. The excluded items will not appear in the prize list until you return them to the prize pool.
  • You can return the lot to the drawing before the throw. Along with the items returned to the drawing, the previously spent exclusion points will be back to your account.
  • Please note that all unused Exclusion Points and Lucky Throw attempts will expire after the end of the offer.

Prize pool

The prize pool consists of permanent golden and regular weapons and cards for crafting, random boxes, as well as temporary versions of powerful guns. You can find the complete list of rewards on the offer page.

  • One throw can yield you one position from the prize pool.
  • If you have 5 attempts or more, you can make five throws at once and get five items from the prize pool.
  • The prize received in the drawing is not excluded from the prize pool and may be obtained again when making subsequent tries.
  • Prizes will be sent to your Inventory on the Services page. Please note: participants of the offer cannot sell the received articles on the Marketplace.

May luck be on your side!

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