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Warface FAQ #16

Categories: Blog


Warface FAQ #16 is here. Get the answers to the most burning questions and don’t forget to check out our previous articles:

  • Do you plan to rework the clan system?
It was in the Roadmap for 2020, but unfortunately it is delayed. We’ll update you on the status of the system’s rework with a separate article in the future.
  • Will there be more Ranks in Warface?
The developers don’t plan to add new ranks to the game in the nearest future.
  • When will you introduce free female skins that we will be able to choose from while creating a new character?
Currently, this feature is scheduled for 2021.
  • Do you plan to merge WF International and WF CIS?
Yes, but first there will be the merge of EU and NA in Warface International and Alpha, Bravo and Charlie servers in Warface RU.
  • Any plans for the new season of TOP GUN?
The next season is coming in Q1 2021. We are still considering its details.
  • I found a bug, what should I do?
We will appreciate it if you submit a ticket to the customer support. Bugs reported on Social Media lack the details and tech data the support asks you to provide and thus can not be used in the investigation  and fixing process.
  • I get a lot of “Connection to server lost” recently. When will you fix it?
Your reports on the Social Media are insufficient to correctly investigate the problem. We ask you to contact the Customer Support.

That’s it for today! Join our Social Media and don’t forget to leave your feedback:

See you in game!

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