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Soon in game: New Camo Series

Categories: General


Very soon Warface will feature two new camo series — Ranked Matches seasonal skins and Warface PRO I. In this article, we will tell you what weapon models will get new stylish looks.

New Ranked Matches seasonal skins

No doubt, many of you know what playing cards look like. Their history goes back many centuries, but the usual suits were invented in France not so long ago, approximately in the 15th century. They symbolized the main attributes of a knight: a spear (spades), a sword (clubs), a shield (hearts) and a coat of arms (diamonds).

Our new seasonal Ranked Matches camos were inspired by playing cards. The skins are decorated with colourful images of cards flying in different directions and framing lifeless "ladies" and "kings". The design conveys a clear message: the owner of such a skin is no joke!

Spades Skins

Gerber Tomahawk


Tavor TS12 Custom

Clubs Skins

Gerber Tomahawk



Tavor TS12 Custom

Diamonds Skins

Gerber Tomahawk



Tavor TS12 Custom

Hearts Skins

Gerber Tomahawk


Tavor TS12 Custom

Warface PRO I Skins

Another camouflage series will interest everyone who is into Warface eSports events, and prefers to use the most powerful guns available. The colour scheme of the Warface PRO I series continues the tradition of the line-ups dedicated to the tournaments of the past years, combining perfect style and bright colours. Attachments will get a fresh coat of paint as well. Such skinned arms will look great in the hands of your character!

Gerber Tomahawk

Howa Type 89 Custom

Kel-Tec KS7

Please bear in mind that skins only change the looks of the guns without affecting their specs. To apply a camo, you must have a regular version of the weapon in your arsenal.

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