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New contest on Discord

Categories: General
“Blackwood” Special Operation will soon challenge everything you believe in about the Warface and Blackwood confrontation. It’s time to decide which side you’re on… so choose wisely. Each one of you is a part of this history and it’s the right time to leave a mark in it!
Participate in the new contest on our official Discord server, create a set of in-game achievements and get awesome rewards:
  • 1st - 3rd places: a permanent weapon of your choice out of the list: Desert Tech MDR-C, DP-12, Remington MSR, Beretta ARX160;
  • 4th - 10th places: VIP Booster for 30 days.
The best entries will be forwarded to the game developers and may be implemented in the game. Please note that it’s a global contest and you will have to compete with the players from the Russian servers.

What set of in-game achievements should it be?

Your entry should consist of 3 achievements: a mark, a badge or a stripe designed in the same style and devoted to Warface or Blackwood, and thus containing their logo.
Please keep in mind the aspect ratio of the in-game achievements: 1:1 for the marks and badges and 1:4 for the stripes. 

How do I participate?

You can submit your entry in the #contest channel on our official Discord server. Your post should include your in-game name and the platform you play on. The competition closes at 23:59 UTC on June the 5th, and the winners will be determined within a week after. 


  • A player can submit up to 3 entries that were never used in the previous contests.
  • Your contribution should not violate any community rules, should not be offensive or contain obscene language.
Best of luck!

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