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Soon in game: throwing weapons

Categories: General
It is very disappointing to suddenly run out of ammo in the midst of a battle. But natural fighters never give up alive! The best thing to do is to resort to your trusty ally, a deadly knife. Some soldiers would prefer an axe or a katana, while others would rather opt for a sapper shovel. One way or another, melee weapons will always help you out even in the most hopeless situation.

However, despite the effectiveness of knives and katanas, players seldom resort to them. To improve the situation, we decided to expand melee weapon capabilities by introducing new mechanics that will allow players to throw them at the enemy at a distance. Are you intrigued? See how it will work!


After the next update goes live there will appear a special slot and every player will be able to chuck melee weapons at opponents. The new mechanic will apply to all the melee weapon types such as knives, axes, katanas, shovels and even the Magic Wand. 

Melee weapons will differ not only in appearance but in weight and type of damage they deal (piercing or stabbing). So for all types of axes, ice axes, sapper shovels and certain themed items the throwing speed will be related to the strong attack while their effective range will be 10 meters. For the majority of knives and katanas, the throwing speed will be related to the fast attack, and they will boast effective range of 15 meters.

When chucked, the throwing arm will deal the enemy the same damage as if you stubbed him with the right mouse button. In other words, a throwing weapon will surely destroy the SED with the first hit (due to the class-specific features), while other classes will lose a huge amount of HP depending on their equipment and the weapon model you chuck.
You will be able to throw melee weapons even if you are knocked down and lying on the ground.

However, do not think that now enemy elimination will become a walk in the park! The throwing mechanics will have their drawbacks.

  • Upon throwing an arm, it will disappear from your inventory. If you hit and destroy the enemy, you can pick up weapons from the ground and reuse them. However, if the weapon does not reach the target, the item will become available again only after respawn.
  • Throwing animation will last about a second and during this time you will be defenseless in front of the enemy in a direct clash.
  • It will not be an easy task to hit the enemy especially during a heated combat. It will take the weapon fractions of a second to hit the target. A particularly nimble opponent might try to dodge your shot.
  • Low throwing range. Chucked weapons quickly lose impetus and may simply fail to reach the enemy.

By default, throwing weapons will be activated by clicking on the mouse wheel (middle key).


The new mechanics will bring brand new related achievements.

  • "Stand Still" mark: destroy 15 enemies by throwing melee weapons in PvP.
  • "Perfect Target" badge: destroy the Heavy gunner by throwing a melee weapon at it.
  • "Deep Cuts" stripe: destroy 1000 enemies by throwing a melee weapon in PvP or PvE.


Words cut deep but these blades cut even deeper.

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