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"Vanilla" Meta Fun Cup on FaceIt

Categories: ESports
Breaking news: for the fist time ever a Warface Tournament will be carried out on the hottest Esports platform FaceIt. Do not miss your chance to compete with the best Warface teams! 
At 15:00 UTC (16:00 CET) on the 11th of April 2020, Esports teams will face each other in a single elimination tournament in the 5v5 game mode (on the maps Bridges, D17, Destination, Factory, Palace, Yard, and District). Only a fair combat can determine the real champion!

Warface "Vanilla" Meta Fun Cup


Note: The time indicated is UTC.

  • April the 11th, 14:45 – registration ends;
  • April the 11th, 15:00 – tournament starts.

Tournament Rules

Prize Pool

  • 1st place (for each player): 4000 Kredits, 4000 Crowns; Open Cup "Hexagon" Skins: M16A3, SIX12, Scar L-PDW, AX308, Sig Sauer P226 C, Tactical Axe;
  • 2nd place (for each player): 3000 Kredits, 3000 Crowns; Open Cup "Hexagon" Skins: M16A3, SIX12, Scar L-PDW, AX308, Sig Sauer P226 C, Tactical Axe;
  • 3rd place (for each player): 2000 Kredits, 2000 Crowns; Open Cup "Hexagon" Skins: M16A3, SIX12, Scar L-PDW, AX308, Sig Sauer P226 C, Tactical Axe.




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