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Fragmovie contest

Categories: General


MY.GAMES has united millions of heroes in our gaming community and as you know real heroes inspire and lead by example. Do you feel like one? Then participate in our new fragmovie contest and show everyone how it’s done!


Create a fragmovie with a small intro which will include your in-game name and #PlayAtHomeStandUnited hashtag;

Upload it on YouTube and post the link on the Forum before 23:59 UTC on the 19th of April;


  • 1st - 3rd places: One “Nuclear” weapon of choice.
  • 4th – 10th places: Mega VIP Booster (30 days).


  • Your entry shouldn’t be posted anywhere before and should be created by you, both frags and the montage;
  • You can submit up to 3 videos;
  • Your contribution should not violate any community rules, should not be offensive nor contain obscene language.

Play at home, stay united!

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