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New gear for four classes

Categories: General


Great gear is essential for glorious combat! Very often the equipment used determines the outcome of the battle since it protects the owner from explosions and flash bang grenades as well as reduces the incoming damage. Very soon you will have an opportunity to top up your collections with brand new gear sets. All info about them is top secret yet, but Warface scouts have managed to find out some details!


The existing set mechanics will apply to the new equipment as well — the more items you equip, the more bonuses they will yield. You are already well familiar with this mechanic. The full set contains four equipment items but no weapons.


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The set comprises 4 unique items - a helmet, a vest, gloves and boots - for the four "standard" classese (Rifleman, Medic, Engineer and Sniper). Each of the set items has one-off specs, while the set bonuses will improve precision, replenish armor and HP, protect the soldier from explosions and reduce the incoming damage. It might seem that you have already seen similar gear, but we can assure you that the set is one of the kind due to an unusual bonus combination.

The equipment looks are worth of a special note: the gear is designed in restrained dark colours, the grey and blue gamma contributing to soldiers’ stealth. All items except for boots feature unique class-specific appearance.

We cannot reveal the gear codename, its exact specs and the ways to acquire the new items yet. Follow our publications and be first to learn more!

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