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Soon in Game: "Hollywood" Map

Categories: General


The next update will bring a new map "Hollywood" for the "Destruction" mode. It is designed as a film set with "Mars" Special Operation scenery. Surely, the Red Planet mission cannot be fake! Wait and see!


The new map was intentionally developed for "Destruction" as Warface has been offering this mode since the game release. However, it turned out to be quite niche; thus, in "Destruction" you will normally meet players completing Battlepass tasks or those who feel nostalgic.

The reason for the low popularity of the mode is rooted in its basic rules: the winning team gets the advantage due to the fact that at every stage of the match the losing part has fewer passes and strategic points for command post defense. The situation becomes imbalanced because it is more difficult for the losing team to win back while their winning opponents are at an advantage, which in most cases predetermines the battle outcome.

Aiming to boost the popularity of "Destruction" and make the gaming process more engaging and balanced we have introduced new basic rules for the "Hollywood" map. It seems only fair that the number of the winning team’s passes and vantage points should decrease allowing the losing one to turn the tide of the match in their favour.

Making up the setting of the map the developer team decided to take a slightly different approach. The scene used to be determined by the geographical area. At the same time, Mars setting felt just the right thing to use. Then a question came up: how can soldiers be deployed on the Red Planet without spacesuits? It was therefore decided to create a film making studio interior with the Mars mission scenery.

Before getting on with the job, developers visited real movie making studios and studied the inside info such as functional diagrams and photos of Area 51 in Nevada.

The map looks like a film set sporting many attributes of a studio such as production and lighting devices, scenery, large green screens (chroma key) and others.

Fireworks replaced classical airstrikes typical of the mode while the familiar in-battle voice commands were substituted for the ones you can usually hear on a film set; they contribute greatly to a very special atmosphere of the map.


As mentioned above, "Hollywood" will be different from the old "Destruction" maps in terms of gameplay: the losing team will get new shortcuts and vantage points.

There is an extensive sand area on one side of the core; it is a perfect strategic point for Snipers and Riflemen. On its other side there is Martian greenhouse scenery where Engineers and Medics will prevail.

We will inform you later about the launch date of the update featuring the new map "Hollywood".

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