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Marketplace for Steam users is back

Categories: General

Dear players!

For a very long time you have asked us to bring back Marketplace for Steam users, so that they could buy and sell items, just like website users do. Marketplace for Steam users went through turbulent times due to the fraudulent actions of some users and our lack of full control over “Steam” platform, so we had to close it down for your safety and ours. You can learn more about that from the first episode of our DevLounge.

Today though we are most excited to announce that Marketplace for Steam users is back. For good this time. Marketplace services have also resumed for website users after the maintenance.

Marketplace for Steam users is live

We have rewritten the algorithms that contribute to the fair work of this service and among other things introduced new anti-fraud restrictions. From now on not only the minimum but also the maximum prices are set for all items. These restrictions are in place both for website and Steam users.

Please note that for the new restrictions to take place the items that were previously put on the marketplace have been taken down and returned to the website inventories of their owners.

We sincerely thank you not only for your patience and understanding of complications behind our previous Marketplace for Steam users decisions but also for your passion with which you were bringing your concerns and ideas to our attention.


Best regards,

Warface Team    

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