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Warface Advent Calendar

Categories: General


Everyone mobilize! We've been informed that there is an incoming attack on our positions from the forces of... Christmas! The information has been verified: there can be no mistake. To get ready for this event in advance and greet it fully equipped, General Lee Warton has personally given the order to issue a special weapon to every Warface soldier. Stop by our Twitter and Facebook pages every day (don't forget to follow us!), look for the advent calendar images with special pin codes, and get fun with deadly festive guns in the game, along with some holiday cheer!


  • Each code can be activated on the day it is posted until 23:59 UTC. You can enter it on a special page on the game site.
  • The code can be activated only once per account.
  • The tallest Christmas tree in the world was installed in Mexico. It was more than 110 meters tall, the size of a 40-story building.

Let's get ready for the holiday together!



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