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Absolute Power global operation is over

Categories: Events

Dear players!

“Absolute Power” global event has been concluded. Last weekend the cyber sportsmen from around the world faced each other for glory and the tournament prize pool. At the same time, the players were completing the last missions, trying to get a higher level and earn unique achievements. The inventories are filled with prizes and now a break is due: the operation is over.

Features that are still available


All the hard-earned rewards will of course be still available. The items can be transferred to the game.

To access the inventory click here.

AK Alpha crafting

Haven’t managed to craft the desired gun? No worries! You still have plenty of time: we have prolonged the period during which AK Alpha is still craftable.

All the enhancements previously available for Battle Points can now be completed with Kredits. Material crates are received by the players under the same rules as before.

To access the AK Alpha crafting click here.


The marketplace is currently unavailable due to technical issues. We will keep you informed regarding the situation. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

We hope that you are satisfied with “Absolute Power”. In the future you can expect more exciting global operations.

See you in game!

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