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Warface Fast Cup IV breaks the ice of 2018

Categories: ESports


Winter holidays are over and the show must go on! Claim excellent prizes in the Fast Cup IV tournament this weekend. Embrace the first tournament of 2018 and don’t miss the opportunity prove your mettle.

Please note that players from all servers can take part but the character rank should be 26 or higher.

Schedule in UTC
January the 15th  registration opens
January the 18th, 15:00  registration ends
January the 18th, 18:00  confirmation stage ends
January the 19th, 15:00 

seeding / allocation ends, the grid will be posted

January the 20th, 12:00 tournament starts
 Prize Pool 
  • 1st place: 20 000 Kredits to the team + permanent Tournament set for one class and Avalanche camo skins for all weapons.

  • 2nd place: 15 000 Kredits to the team + Tournament set for a single class for 90 days and Avalanche camo skins for all weapons.

  • 3rd-4th places: 10000 Kredits per team  + Tournament set for a single class for 30 days and Avalanche camo skins for all weapons.

  • 5th-8th places: 5000 Kredits per team + Tournament set for a single class for 20 days. 

  • All participants of the tournament will get special achievements.


Watch the livestreams to participate in giveaways and support your favorite team!

Warface Fast Cup Rules

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