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Kredit Bundles and Prices Overhaul

Categories: General

Dear players.

As of current, the Kredit packages available to you barely reflect to the pricing policy and your common needs, as such, they will be receiving an overhaul. What it essentially means for you as a player, is that you will be able to purchase directly the amount you need, in addition to larger bundle benefits.

The price of 100 Kredits will be reduced to $1 (instead of some $1.3~ in the past).


New Kredit bundles

The new costs are aimed to give you an altogether more comfortable experience browsing and using the store, as the new prices have been drafted taking into account players’ needs and the amounts they most often opt in for – using the Custom Amount function, previously.

To cut it short – you are now able to buy the Kredits just in the amount you need for an item, as well as at a better price.

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