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Meet the Team!


The Union Day is almost there, and it’s time to finally get to know each other. Long story short, we have made a video compilation to let you meet us and to summarize the recent news. Enough with reading!

Apart from that, as we celebrate unity and peace in Europe, let us not forget Blackwood’s ceaseless expansion attempts. As Warface peacekeepers, you are entitled to greater rewards for your war efforts, keeping the enemy at bay.

To help you wrap up your /close encounter/ with hostile forces, the reward rates will be increased from May 6th 00:00 to May 10th 23:59 by the following values:

Warface dollar gains are increased by 75%

XP gains by 100%

Arsenal Point gains by 50%

See you in-game!

Voir plus

Faites la connaissance de l'équipe !
Et découvrez également l'événement « Fête de l'Union » !
05 May 2017 general
Six mai – Affrontement rapproché
Cinco de Mayo vous manque ? Alors, venez jeter un coup d'œil par ici !
05 May 2017 events
