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Piranha League Seasonal Update Change Log

Content Changes

Weapon Mastery Rewards Update

The system of earning cosmetic rewards has been revamped. Mastery-exclusive camouflages will now truly reflect your dedication to a weapon—they can only be earned, not purchased.

What’s changing?

For weapons released from September 2024 onward, as well as future additions, achievements, camouflages, and charms will no longer be part of mastery level rewards. Instead, you will receive weapon upgrade parts.

Upon reaching weapon mastery level 60, a special contract will become available. Completing it will grant you an exclusive camouflage that cannot be obtained with Kredits or real money—only through skill and perseverance.

Any rewards you have already earned will remain in your inventory—nothing will be lost!

Quick Ping System

A new quick ping system has been added to make team communication more efficient. Previously, players had no way to quickly warn teammates about threats during a match—text and voice chat were not always fast or convenient enough.

Now, quick pings allow for basic coordination without voice chat and also speed up callouts for teams using voice communication. By default, you can access the ping menu by holding the Z key.

Old Weapon Stat Changes

  • AS VAL, AS VAL "Custom", AMB-17, Saiga-12, and Glock 18C: stats improved to match the current meta.

Weapons and Gear

  • FN SCAR-H: Fire rate reduced to 540 and 545 for the standard and golden versions (from 570).
  • Golden FN SCAR-H: Magazine size and total ammo increased to 32/192 (from 30/180).
  • USAS-12: Fire rate increased to 285 and 290 for the standard and golden versions (from 270).
  • SVCh-54:
    • Unique mod for heavy fire mode: Damage increased to 510 (was 440), fire rate penalty increased to 89% (from 88%), and ADS speed penalty increased to x2.7 (from x2.4).
    • Unique "BelOMO POSP" Scope: ADS speed bonus removed.
    • Unique "G&G GOMS Mk3" Suppressor: Added a stability penalty while aiming.
  • MPAR-556: Reduced weapon sway while running.
  • Golden AS  VAL: Added the "Shared Grip" attachment.
  • PP-2011 Kedr-Para (unique suppressor):
    • Added a -2m range penalty.
    • Added a 100% damage falloff penalty.
  • AMB-17: Reduced the damage drop-off penalty of the unique suppressor to 35% (from 50%).
  • Honey Badger: Reduced the damage drop-off penalty of the unique suppressor to 35% (from 50%).
  • Melee Weapons: Increased the backstab damage multiplier to 4.3 in both PvP and PvE.
  • Increased the smoke screen duration to 19 seconds (from 15). The reduction of this value caused graphical issues. The duration will be decreased again once the issues are resolved.
  • Removed sound and visual effects from the following devices and their skins: Mischief Smoke Grenade, Mischief Grenade, and Christmas Grenade.
  • Added damage indicators for shots fired from underbarrel grenade launchers.

PvE and SO

  • Added "Silent Streets" to the rotation, and adjusted the rewards for completing it to standard values.

Prologue for New Players

New players are now required to complete the "Prologue" mission right after character creation as part of their introduction to the game. As a result, the following changes were made to the mission:

  • Replaced the SED by a Rifleman armed with the Kord 5.45.
  • Increased survivability across all chapters of the mission.
  • Reduced the required number of rockets in the "Icebreaker" stage from 4 to 3.
  • Removed the SED reactivator device from the engineer's gear.
  • Added control tips.


  • Ranked Matches: Added information about the points that can be lost for leaving a match to the interface.
  • Updated the list of banned items in Ranked Matches.
  • Added the ability to rotate the camera while planting the bomb and crouching.

In-game Enhancements


  • Added the ability to join a room by double-clicking.
  • Enhanced the animation and display of random boxes.
  • Updated several icons and UI elements.
  • Updated the in-match chat and voice chat panel design.
  • Added a special icon to the currency panel for accessing random boxes, replacing the F2 hotkey. If the player has no available boxes, nothing happens when clicking on the icon.
  • Mouse sensitivity settings now support decimal values for more precise adjustments.
  • Added a new "Dynamic Smoke" option to Settings > Graphics, allowing players to choose between higher smoke quality and better performance. We recommend enabling it for lower-end hardware, while others can disable it for improved visuals.

Bug Fixes

Weapons and Gear 

  • PGM Ultima Ratio: Fixed the bug where the crosshair in the scope would occasionally change color.
  • ST Kinetics CPW "Mongoose": Fixed the bug where the reload animation sometimes was missing when gloves were equipped.
  • IMBEL IA2 Assault: Fixed the bug where a charm was incorrectly displayed when switching to the underbarrel grenade launcher.
  • Sandstone AUG A3 9mm XS Custom: Fixed the bug where the reticle was not displayed.
  • Fixed the bug where standard attachments sometimes were displayed instead of gold ones on weapons from the "Rogue" series.
  • Fixed the centering of Trijicon RMR Adjustable LED holographic sights.
  • Fixed the bug where the Claymore mine would not trigger if a sticky grenade was thrown at it.
  • Fixed the bug where the Molotov bottle would disappear at certain distances.
  • Fixed the bug where grenade damage passed through walls.
  • Fixed the bug where the Gas Grenade cloud sometimes would disperse unevenly from the inside.
  • Fixed the bug where progress for the "Quantum Magic," "Black Magic," and "White Magic" achievements with the Magic Wand was also counting eliminations from other weapons.

PvE and SO 

  • "Silent Streets":
    • Fixed the bug where, in some cases, a player could fly off the map when using Mech's shot.
    • Fixed the bug where the ally Mech was displayed incorrectly from the third-person perspective when viewed from another Mech during repairs.
    • Fixed the bug where, in some cases, fewer XP points and WF$ were awarded for completing the mission.
  • "Mars":
    • Fixed the damage indication when hitting the mini-boss Heavy Droid.
    • Fixed the bug that caused glass textures to disappear in a specific location.
  • "Villa Valhalla": Fixed the bug where zombies could sometimes stop, get stuck, and fail to run toward the player.


  • Ranked Matches:
    • Fixed the bug where observers sometimes would see an incorrect round result.
    • Fixed the bug where a player sometimes could be kicked from the match by the protection system during a pause.
  • "Plant the Bomb" mode:
    • Fixed the bug where some players would see a "Round 0" window at the start of the first round.
    • Fixed the bug where smoke grenades did not explode when thrown onto an exposed bomb.
    • Fixed the bug where players sometimes would fail to move to the respawn point after a round change.


  • Fixed the bug where some weapon models did not display the magnification levels of switchable scopes in the module menu.
  • Fixed the bug where, when restoring armor to 100%, the armor progress bar would replay the armor restoration animation.
  • Fixed the bug where the fire button could get stuck when pressing Tab + LMB in certain cases.
  • Fixed the bug where the "selected" status of a weapon of the same type in the inventory could be duplicated.
  • Fixed the bug where right-click dragging to scroll in the event rewards list window did not work.
  • Fixed the bug where the sorting of selected achievements in the profile window was not working correctly.
  • Fixed the display of purchased items in the list of all offers in the event's progression showcase.
  • Fixed the bug where the weapon mastery progress bar was sometimes displayed incorrectly on the match results screen.
  • Fixed the bug where players sometimes were unable to exit the Safehouse using the Esc key.
  • Fixed the bug where the chat would malfunction after opening the player report window.
  • Fixed the bug that could cause the game client to crash when accepting a friend request.
  • Fixed the bug where selecting a new achievement in the player profile sometimes displayed the previously set one.
  • Fixed the crash on low-end devices when opening the achievements list.
  • Fixed the bug where it was impossible to assign the "O" key in the control settings in some cases.
  • Fixed the display of the room connection window in the Safehouse.
  • Fixed the incorrect shadow rendering on some maps.
  • Fixed the flickering of streetlight lamps on certain maps.
  • Improved the descriptions of the bonuses for certain mods.
  • Updated the localisation: updated the descriptions, fixed some inconsistencies.

Sun, sand, and fierce competition!
