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Lucky Run: Offer Conditions

Lucky Run is an offer in which you unlock the rewards while playing the field. Some stages are special bundles that you can buy. These bundles include in-game items and Kredits, so you get double the benefit.

Offer Page

How to participate?

  • Log into your desired account.
  • Wait for the offer to start and for the information about in to appear in the "News" section of the website.
  • Go to the offer page and make sure that it is active.
  • Open the game fields. There are three types: free, special offers and locked. The first two are available from the start and do not require additional actions. Special offers are activated by purchasing a bundle from the field. Locked fields become available after you purchase the bundle that precedes those stages.

More about the offer conditions

  • All the rewards received in the offer are automatically sent to your Inventory in the "Services" section of the website.
  • You can use the special offers only while the offer is active.
  • Bundles from the "Special Offer" stage may include Kredits and in-game items.
  • Offer rewards, including a bundle, can be received only once.
  • Items received in the offer cannot be sold on the Marketplace.
  • Only the payment made on the offer page counts towards the bundle purchase. After payment, wait a bit and don't try to top up again — in some cases, your payment may be delayed.