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Battle Pass "Snowstorm": Rewards

Battle Pass — is an in-game event with a level system, rewards and daily quests. By playing any matches, you gain experience, unlock new levels and make overall progress in the battle pass. Upon achieving certain results, you will be rewarded with in-game items, and get access to a special seasonal shop and contracts.

Below, you can see the list of event rewards. And if you want to learn more about key changes or have questions, feel free to check out other publications on the topic.

Key Changes F.A.Q.

Main Rewards are the in-game currency or items received upon reaching certain levels. The number of rewards and their value depend on the type of the Battle Pass access: free (available to everyone) or premium. In the table below you learn what prize awaits you at each level. All items are permanent. Battle Pass Coins can be spent at the Seasonal Shop. Once the Season "Snowstorm" ends, unspent coins will expire.

Level Points to Unlock Reward Access Type
1 0 "Magma and Ice" Stripe Premium
2 50 Battle Pass Coins (10 pcs.) Free
3 95 Mastery Booster (7 d.) Premium
4 135 "Burning Snow" Badge
5 175 Battle Pass Coins (10 pcs.) Free
6 215 "Tundra" Camo for АКS-74U Premium
7 255 Battle Pass Coins (10 pcs.) Free
8 295 "Thermometer" Charm Premium
9 335 Battle Pass Coins (10 pcs.) Free
10 370 "Tundra" Camo for Mossberg 590 Custom Premium
11 405 Battle Pass Coins (10 pcs.)
12 440 "Snowstorm Engineer" Badge Free
13 475 "Tundra" Camo for Makarov Pistol Premium
14 510 "Melting Point" Mark
15 545 Battle Pass Coins (10 pcs.)
16 580 "Compass" Charm Free
17 615 Battle Pass Coins (10 pcs.) Premium
18 650 "Tundra" Camo for Tavor CTAR-21 Special
19 685 Battle Pass Coins (10 pcs.)
20 720 "Snowstorm Medic" Badge Free
21 755 Battle Pass Coins (10 pcs.) Premium
22 790 "Tundra" Camo for Mauser Kar98k
23 825 Battle Pass Coins (10 pcs.)
24 860 "Snowstorm Rifleman" Badge Free
25 895 "Ice Axe" Charm Premium
26 930 Battle Pass Coins (10 pcs.)
27 965 "Snowstorm" Camo for TEC-9
28 1000 "Snowstorm Sniper" Badge Free
29 1030 Battle Pass Coins (10 pcs.) Premium
30 1060 Access to Seasonal Contracts
31 1090 "Ice Floe" Stripe Free
32 1120 Battle Pass Coins (10 pcs.) Premium
33 1150 "Icicle" Charm
34 1180 Battle Pass Coins (10 pcs.)
35 1210 "Snowstorm" Camo for KAC PDW
36 1240 Battle Pass Coins (10 pcs.)
37 1270 "Snowdrift" Mark Free
38 1300 Battle Pass Coins (10 pcs.) Premium
39 1330 "Snowstorm" Camo for Kalashnikov MP-155 Ultima
40 1360 Tundra Survival Machete Free
41 1390 "Grappling Hook" Charm Premium
42 1420 Battle Pass Coins (10 pcs.)
43 1450 "Snowstorm" Camo for MPA10SST-X Special
44 1480 Battle Pass Coins (10 pcs.)
45 1510 "Below Zero" Badge Free
46 1540 "Snowstorm" Camo for Steyr Scout Special Premium
47 1570 Battle Pass Coins (10 pcs.)
48 1600 Mastery Booster (7 d.) Free
49 1630 Battle Pass Coins (10 pcs.) Premium
50 1660 Snowstorm Balisong Knife
Prestige Levels 900 Battle Pass Coins (20 pcs.)

In this section, you can see the list of daily tasks, as well as the reward for their completion. Every day you will receive one new assignment. It cannot be changed, but can be skipped in case of failure. You can gather up to 3 daily quests.

Task Condition Reward
Eliminate 1000 enemies. Bonus in PvP: x5
300 Battle Pass Points
The Killer Rabbit Eliminate 200 enemies while sliding or jumping. Bonus in PvP: x5 

Eliminate two enemies in a row in PvP or three enemies in a row with headshots in PvE 10 times.


Eliminate three enemies in a row in PvP or seven enemies in a row in PvE twice.

Good Shot! Eliminate 500 enemies with headshots. Bonus in PvP: x5 
A Test For Pros 5 times eliminate two enemies in a row in PvP or three enemies in a row in PvE with melee weapons.

Eliminate 50 enemies with explosives. Bonus in PvP: x5

Hand-to-hand Eliminate 50 enemies with melee weapons. Bonus in PvP: x5
First Aid Restore 3000 armor or health points to allies in any game mode. 

Seasonal Shop is a special Battle Pass shop that is updated every season. It contains 4 weapon models for all classes, except for the SED. Purchases in the Seasonal Shop can be made at any time using Battle Pass Coins earned by leveling up in the Battle Pass or with Kredits after reaching level 50 in the Battle Pass. You can buy new permanent and temporary guns. This will help you try out the models and then decide if you want to have them permanently in your Inventory.

AS Val Custom

It's an improved version of the good old assault rifle favoured by many. The weapon has received good combat specifications and will compete with the M4A1 Custom, AK-15 Custom and KAC PDW. The new arm boasts high damage multipliers to the body and limbs, a reasonable rate of fire and excellent damage. In addition, the assault rifle offers high accuracy and comfortable recoil, which increases the comfort and efficiency of long-range combat.

MC 255 12 Custom

The MC 255 12 Custom is an updated version of the old legend MC 255 12. The new gun boasts excellent damage, the highest range among Medic weapons and fast reloading. The arm is perfect for precise shooters since the combination of its advantages is set off by a low rate of fire and a drum taking only five rounds. 

The specs are not final: in one of the upcoming updates, we will increase damage (from 680 to 700), range (from 7 to 8), as well as reduce rate of fire (from 190 to 170).

H&K UMP Custom

It's an improved version of the H&K UMP. The new item has weak recoil, high basic and minimum damage, fast reloading, and increased damage multipliers to the head and limbs. Thanks to its serious damage and increased multipliers, the submachine gun allows its owner to kill enemies in the head even at medium range! The weapon will appeal to fans of well-aimed headshots and will become a decent competitor to the players' all-time favourite AMB-17.  

AMP DSR-1 Custom

The AMP DSR-1 Custom is an updated version of the AMP DSR-1. The new arm has improved looks and enhanced specs compared to the regular version. It sports high damage, increased damage multipliers to the body and limbs, fast aiming, and an excellent rate of fire. 

Battle Pass Seasonal Contracts — these are special contracts with a unique seasonal reward. There are two types of them – those available for everyone and only for premium access holders.

Contracts for All

There are 4 class-specific contracts available in the "Snowstorm" Battle Pass. Upon completing them, the player will receive a full set of "Snowstorm" gear for the Rifleman, Medic, Engineer, and Sniper.

Premium Access Contracts

Contracts of this type are unlocked for premium access owners after reaching level 30 of the Battle Pass. There are 4 class-specific contracts in total, each consisting of 10 stages. The player will receive 200 Battle Pass experience points for each stage, and after completing all of them - primary weapons from the "Snowstorm" series for the Rifleman, Medic, Engineer or Sniper (depending on the contract).

These are the "Snowstorm" weapons available in special contracts: KAC PDW, Kalashnikov MP-155 Ultima, MPA10SST-X Special and Steyr Scout Special.

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