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Berserk: FAQ

On this page you will find answers to the most frequent questions about the "Berserk" Battle Pass. We will gradually add more information as dedicated articles get published. Besides, here you can find info related to the previous events that are still relevant.

Table of contents:

Access and key functions

Q: When will the Battle Pass start?

A: We plan to launch "Berserk" in September 2019.

Q: Why is the extended access much cheaper than it was previously?

A: We decided to make the new event more affordable. Besides, the reward acquisition scheme has been revamped: it will now focus on one class; thus, those players who do not want to spend much time in the event can just get the desired set at a reasonable price.

Q: Will there be a free access to the Battle Pass?

A: Yes, there will be a trial version.

Q: What is a trial version? What benefits does it have?

A: It gives you an opportunity to try out “Berserk” and make up your mind about purchasing the full version. You can receive the trial access after signing up on the Battle Pass page.

1. You will get access to “Profile” and “Daily Missions” tabs. By completing missions you will have a chance to receive XP, Battle Points and crates. Please note, you will be able to use rewards only after purchasing the full access.

2. “Weapon crafting”, “Base” and “Weekly missions” tabs will be visible, but you will not be able to take up missions nor use the Base functions.

Q: Will access be available for purchase after the event starts? Will the price change?

A: Yes, you can buy the BP access upon the launch of the event. The price is likely to remain the same. Naturally, you will not get the pre-order bonuses.

Q: When will I get the pre-order bonuses?

A: You will get all pre-order bonuses after "Berserk" goes live.

Q: Will I be able to craft a new weapon in this event? Can I craft weapons from the previous Battle Passes?

A: We do not plan to add new craftable weapons to "Berserk". A unique pistol will be awarded for reaching level 100 of personal progress. You will still have access to the crafting of guns from previous Battle Passes.

Q: Will combat squads be back?

A: As we have already pointed out, it is possible that they will return as part of a separate game event. However, it is unlikely that any future Battle Pass will feature them.

Q: Will the Battle Pass be integrated into the game client?

A: It will be integrated the way "Armageddon" was. We do not expect a deeper integration.

Q: Will I be able to switch the class selected if I change my mind?

A: You can set the class only once. Once you make a decision, you will not be able to change it even by submitting a ticket to the support.

Note: The class you choose for the trial version will apply to the full one as well: if you set the class in the trial version and then decide to buy the full access, the class will remain the same!

Q: Does the level matter?

A: Unlocked levels will grant you rewards and Base improvements.

Q: How can I get XP and Battle Points?

A: See the conditions of XP and BP gain in the following table:


XP Gain

BP Gain

PvE "Training" missions



PvE missions on "Easy" and on higher difficulty levels

Only if you win


Any Special Operations

Only if you win

Only if you win

Private Rooms



Ranked Matches

Yes if: time in the match greater than or equal to 3 minutes, at least 2 kills made

PvP "Quick Play" in "Storm", "Team Deathmatch", "Destruction" and "Domination"

Yes, if you kill at least 10 enemies or more

Yes, if you kill at least 10 enemies or more.

PvP "Quick Play" in "Plant the Bomb", "Capture" and "Blitz"

Yes, if you kill at least 2 enemies or more

Yes, if you kill at least 2 enemies or more

"Battle Royale"

Yes, if you kill at least 1 enemy or more

Yes, if you kill at least 2 enemies or more

"Free for All", "Bag and Tag"

Yes, if you kill at least 15 enemies or more

Yes, if you kill at least 15 enemies or more

Note: If you use the trial version of the battle pass, you will have a lower chance of getting bp, xp and crates for matches compared to the holders of the "simple" and the "extended" access

Q: How many Battle Points can I get per match?

A: From 1 to 100.

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Mission system

Q: Will a new daily mission be unlocked if the previous ones are not completed?

A: No, it won't. New tasks will become available upon completing the previous ones.

Q: Can I skip daily missions?

A: No, you can't.

Q: I have a task that should be completed in a PvP solo mode. What does it mean?

A: The progress will count if you complete the task conditions in any of the three modes: "Fee for All", "Bag and Tag" or "Battle Royale".

Q: I have a task that should be completed in a Special Operation on a certain difficulty level. When will the progress count?

A: Any Special Operation where you can choose the difficulty level ("Easy", "Normal", "Hard" or "Nightmare") will do. If you complete the "HQ" or the "Cold Peak" Special Operations ("Spearhead", "Ambush ", "Zenith" and "Marathon" missions) the progress will not count.

Q: I have partially completed the task that should be done within a single match but my progress remains the same. Why?

A: It will change only if you complete all the task conditions during one single match.

Q: Can I finish a mission in Special Operations if the task says "in PvE"? And what about Private Rooms?

A: If the task does not specify that it can be done by playing a Special Operation, the progress will not count. Complete tasks in ordinary PvE missions on the indicated difficulty level. You can use Private PvE Rooms as well.

Q: I have a task that should be done in PvP modes. What modes does it apply to?

A: The progress will count only if you play in "Quick Play" or Ranked Matches.

Q: The mission description indicates the class that should be used and some conditions to fulfil. Will the progress count if I meet the conditions but switch the class during the match?

A: No, it will not.

Q: Will the progress count if a gaming session shuts down?

A: No. Any match should be finished correctly with a victory or a defeat.

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Q: Is it possible to craft the items of the "Salamander" set?

A: Absolutely.

Q: Is item crafting easier now?

A: Yes, it is. Item crafting will require way fewer resources than the "Armageddon" weapons.

Q: Will energy be replenished after Base improvements and increase of its capacity?

A: After Base improvements the level of available energy does not change. Only its maximum amount can be affected.

Q: Do the requirements for simple and long research change after Base improvements?

A: Yes, they do. After the Base reaches a certain level, you will spend 40 energy points and 30 minutes on short research and 60 energy points and 45 minutes on long research.


Q: Can I choose an item for crafting?

A: Yes, you can, if you have a blueprint.

Q: How do I get a blueprint? Is it universal?

A: There is a chance of receiving a blueprint during research. Yes, it is universal. The player can have only one blueprint available.

Q: How can I obtain crates for "Item Crafting"?

A: Item crafting crates can be obtained according to the following table:



PvE "Training" missions


PvE missions on "Easy" and on higher difficulty levels


Any Special Operations

Only if you win

Private Rooms


Ranked  Matches

Yes, if you kill at least 5 enemies and more

PvP "Quick Play" in "Storm", "Team Deathmatch", "Destruction" and "Domination"

Yes, if you kill at least 5 enemies and more

PvP "Quick Play" in "Plant the Bomb", "Capture" and "Blitz"

Yes, if you kill at least 1 enemy and more

"Battle Royale"

Yes, if you kill at least 2 enemies and more

"Free for All", "Bag and Tag"

Yes, if you kill at least 6 enemies and more

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