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Halloween Update: Full Change Log


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New Content

Grounds of Horror Event

A haunting in-game event is waiting for you this Halloween! Lots of cool rewards for participating in the event and fighting in the Gun Game mode. The rules are different from the classical Gun Game: in the team mode, the match ends as soon as one of the teams gathers 150 points or when the timer runs out. In that case, the team who has the most points by the end of the match, wins.

More about the event

Among the event rewards, you will find Halloween-themed models of the "Execrated" series as well as festive masks, gloves, and weapon charms.

Furthermore, in the event showcase, you will be able to get weapon parts, "Absolute Mk.2" skins, and many more nifty items.

Halloween Motel and Cemetery

To mark the occasion, we have prepared updated versions of your beloved maps — now, with the spooky Halloween vibe! On the new maps, you will find ghosts, caskets, jack-o-lanterns, and other scary attributes of the holiday.

Click on an image to enlarge it.

Halloween Novelties

The game now offers two new weapon series — "Risen" and "Zombie Grinder". The frames of the models are decorated with skulls, bones, blood streaks and other horror-elements.

There are other novelties as well set in the style of the scariest holiday of the year: thematic masks, gloves, and charms. Get your hands on all that and enjoy the festive atmosphere in the game!


Demon Spider

Spooky Ghost

Chained Coffin


Bat Out Of Hell

Gingerbread Man

Goblin's Ear


 Ghoul Eye
 Ghoul Plate
 Ghoul Iron


The "Zombie Grinder" series, new gear elements, and charms are available in the shop of the "Grounds of Horror" event, and the "Risen" series — in the showcase.

H&K G36 Assault

This novelty is an assault rifle from the German company Heckler & Koch that is used by the military of many different countries around the world. The weapon offers excellent characteristics: a high rate of fire, range and damage. On top of that, it has a hybrid sight and mod slots; with a unique mod, you will even be able to change the firing mode from automatic to bursts.

Furthermore, the H&K G36 Assault has a new mechanic — a transparent magazine, which allows you to see the amount of bullets you have left.

Kel-Tec RDB-C

This is a semi-automatic bull-pup rifle developed by Kel-Tec. The novelty offers a semi-automatic firing mode, good damage and fire rate. It will be possible to equip the rifle with mods and unique mods can even change its firing mode to automatic or bursts. Experiment with upgrades and find the best build for you!

Push Daggers

Introducing a novelty — push daggers! These small yet deadly knives are an extremely effective self-defense tool. The new weapons have unique attack animations and great characteristics that allow them to compete with the best melee models. Do you collect rare achievements or just enjoy sharp-looking weapons? Then the golden version is just what you need! But bear in mind: it does not offer any unique characteristics and is identical to the regular version in that regard.

The serial version of the daggers is available in the showcase of the "Grounds of Horror" event. We will tell you more about the ways of getting the regular and the golden versions of the weapon in later publications.

Aviator Series

The series includes the H&K G36 Assault and the Kel-Tec RDB-C. Their looks will be especially appreciated by heraldry lovers. On the model frames, you will find interesting references to different animal symbols and shield elements.

Pay attention to the updates in the game shop — the novelties will become available for purchase in the future.

Content Changes

Mods 1.0 Conversion

In this update, the old mods for some weapon models, which remained from the previous modification system, will be converted. Details:

  • Mauser Kar98k: all unique mods will be deleted, the parts will be fully compensated.
  • OTs-14 Groza, AKS-74U and Makarov Pistol: all doubled mods will be deleted with parts compensation — the amount will depend on the mod quality.

Weapons and Gear

  • Raider Desert Tech MDRX: the item's additional geometry has been slightly changed — previously it could obstruct the view.
  • Kel-Tec RDB-C: the weapon has been banned from Ranked Matches. If you wish the ban to be lifted, please share your opinion on our social media.


A map rotation took place in Ranked and PvP. 

  • Per your requests, we have changed the District 2.0 map back to its original version. Earlier, we received complaints about low FPS on the updated map and we want to explore the issue further. We would be grateful if you shared your feedback with videos or give more details about the occasions when the FPS drops — this information will be useful for our research. We will keep you updated in the news.
  • District and Farm maps have been replaced with their thematic versions.


  • Introducing Absolute skins, mark 2, for all classes (except for SED)!
  • The game lobby music has been replaced with thematic music.
  • Ranked Matches: merged all weapon filters in the seasonal shop.
  • Character creation screen: now, the nickname approval process happens right as you fill out the field (before, the nickname would only be checked after you were done creating your character).
  • Updated the icons of some in-game items.
  • Updated localisation: added some missing in-game and item descriptions, fixed some inconsistencies.

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed some bugs that sometimes caused a decrease in the game client performance after matches.
  • Fixed some causes of game client crashes.

Weapons and Gear

  • IWI Galil ACE Gen II Rifle:
    • fixed a bug due to which, in some graphic settings, the sight lens could be blurry;
    • fixed a bug due to which, in some cases, unique sights did not work correctly.
  • H&K MG5 12: fixed a bug due to which the aiming  point of the Hensoldt ZO optical sight was murky.
  • АK-15 Custom, АМ-17: fixed a bug due to which the aiming point of the OCS-77 collimator was not centered.
  • Neutron АK-47: fixed a bug due to which the weapon icon did not match its appearance.
  • VEPR VPO-X3: fixed a bug due to which a character held the weapon incorrectly in the Lobby. 
  • Barrett M82A1: fixed a bug due to which incorrect effects were displayed while shooting.
  • Kel-Tec RDB-C: fixed a bug due to which the unique sight aiming point was not centered.
  • Rock Solid Mauser Kar98k: fixed a bug, due to which that reloading animation would play twice.
  • Desert Eagle: fixed a bug, due to which the weapon model would intersect the character's hand in the first person view.
  • Golden versions of the Benelli Super Black Eagle 3, Barrett MRAD Mk22, Benelli MR1, and the Hunting Knife: fixed a bug, due to which the kills did not count towards the achievement progression of the regular versions.
  • High-Tech S&W Survival Tanto: fixed a bug that caused incorrect camera settings in the first person view.
  • Katana: fixed a bug, due to which the Great Gatsby skin icon was displayed incorrectly.
  • SED's weapons: fixed a bug that allowed the player to continue shooting even after they overheated.
  • Mods 2.0: fixed a bug, due to which it was sometimes impossible to buy the last level of the progression.


  • Bridges Modern: fixed a bug, due to which the player could lose the bomb with no chance of picking it up again on the spots "Barrel", "Second Floor", and "Pillar".

PvE and SO

  • Mars, Operation Blackwood: fixed a bug, due to which an incorrect animation of SEDs interacting with objects would play in the first person view.
  • Fixed a bug, due to which the room displayed the mission title instead of its difficulty.


  • Training:
    • fixed a bug, due to which a character would show up on the screen without the custom appearance;
    • fixed a bug, due to which rewards for completing the last mission would not be displayed;
    • fixed a bug, due to which, after leaving the last mission, the old interface would be displayed.
  • Fixed a bug, due to which the scoreboard screen would only be closed by pressing Space.
  • Fixed a bug, due to which the player would not get the contract stage progress if they had the maximum amount of rewards for that stage (32 000 pcs.) in the Inventory.
  • Ranked: fixed a bug, due to which character skins in the seasonal shop would be in the weapon skins section.
  • Fixed a bug, due to which it was sometimes impossible to return to the previous interface screen by pressing Esc.
  • Fixed a bug, due to which the mod icons were displayed incorrectly in the Inventory.

Soon in Game

Agent Oscar Set

The set includes weapons and skins of the "Action" series, an Engineer skin, as well as a weapon charm and achievements in the agent’s style. By completing new contracts, you will be able to get the aforementioned and other useful items.

Known Issues

  • The speed, the activation time, and the damage radius of consumables (frags, mines) and the items in the "Special" category (first-aid kits, defibs, repair kits) are increased.
  • The Claymore, the White Smoke Grenade, and the M84 appeared in the Inventory as infinite items.

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