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Warface Day: Full Change Log

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Warface Day

"Challenge" Event

We'd like to present to you a festive in-game activity with lots of rewards you can get for participating. Before rushing into battle, you'll have to choose which side to fight on — Warface or Blackwood. Choose wisely as it'll affect the rewards you get in the end. After making the decision, try and earn as many points for the chosen team and do your best, together, to get the unique rewards!


  • All the event participants that chose a side will receive a melee weapon as a reward. Which one and in what colour scheme depends on the final event winner. So, if Warface achieves victory in the event, everyone will get weapons with its symbols, even if you chose to fight for Blackwood.
  • The members of the winning team will also get a unique victory achievement.
  • For a particular contribution to the faction's progress, the player can get additional achievements.

Modes and Maps

You can start earning currency and push your faction forward in the competition in the PvE and PvP modes.

  • The PvP battles will take place in the Team Gungame Mode. You'll receive currency and faction progress points for any amount of completed matches.
  • PvE players will be able to earn currency and progress points by playing the "Earth Shaker", "Operation Blackwood", "Heist", and "Hydra" SpecOps. Only the first successful mission completion of the day in Quick Play will earn you the event currency (for the "Earth Shaker" you can get up to 3 rewards for daily victories on Easy, Normal, and Hard), while the faction progress points are gained for all matches.

For even better currency and faction progress gains, we've added special daily contracts. Its stages are opened daily. By completing the contract, you can boost your faction progress as well.


A new device for the Rifleman called "Adrenaline" will be added to the game. By using it, the character immediately restores some HP and continues healing themselves for the next 2 seconds.

With mods, you can extend its effect duration and get additional bonuses:

  • increased accuracy, reload and weapon switching speeds, but slower character movement;
  • increased movement speed and stamina, but less protection against incoming damage;
  • increased protection against incoming damage, but no HP regeneration (with most equipment);
  • +1 "Adrenaline" syringe.

Experiment and choose the bonuses that suit your play style most!

"Crater" Series

The "Crater" weapon series is inspired by the "Earth Shaker" SpecOps and the Warface Day. Each item of the series has a unique design with the number 11 displayed proudly on it, to symbolise Warface's anniversary. On top of that, the series is decorated with nice patterns that give it an elegant and stylish look.

Updated "Destination"

The "Destination" map has been visually updated specifically for the Warface Day. It was decorated for the occasion and is filled with festive items, such as screens displaying important game events, balloons and gifts, and a whole bunch of Easter eggs that will please any player, who’s been in the game long enough. The atmosphere is festive, but you shouldn’t lower your defences, and be ready to take on any challenge thrown your way.

Click on an image to enlarge it

Other Novelties

"Flaming" Gear Set

The game now offers a gear set in the style of the Warface Day with unnique animations: Flaming Helmet and Gloves. The novelties are not only good for their looks, but their characteristics as well! The helmet offers great protection against bullets and blinding, and restores HP. The gloves increase arms protection and restore armour points.

Updated Lobby

We've updated the lobby to match the occasion — with the balloons, colourful lights, celebratory screens, and gift boxes you can really feel the holiday spirit!

Content Changes

Weapons and Gear

  • Throwing Tomahawk: increased damage (from 500 to 600). Now it's easier to eliminate certain enemies with it (e.g., some cyborgs, if their body or head is hit). The change does not affect PvP as the device still one-shots enemies.
  • Faraoh H&K MP7 Special: added ability to install mods.
  • OTs-48K MK2: improved certain sounds.
  • Medikit, Defibrillator, Repair Kit, SED Jumper: separated the devices' charge capacities. Now, each device has separate charges that is spent independently (e.g., you will not spend Medikit charges when reanimating a player and vice versa).
  • Molotov: the fire now damages turrets in PvE.


  • "Destination" (Warface Day): improved audio and visual components of the map, fixed some sound-related bugs.


  • RM: clickable headers— now you can click on the headers to go to the previous menu.
  • Player profile: added scroll bar to the achievement list.
  • Changed the music theme in the game lobby.
  • Updated localisation: added some missing in-game and item description texts, fixed some inconsistencies.

Game Improvements


The lighting has been improved across the board. Now, the reflections on different surfaces are more realistic. Furthermore, some issues with texture loading on weaker PCs have been solved and the light rendering on lower shader settings has been improved.

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed a bug that caused freezes when switching classes in the inventory.
  • Fixed a bug that caused a significant FPS drop when using smoke grenades.

Weapons and Gear

  • Molotov:
    • fixed a bug, due to which the weapon created two burning spots — one at the ricochet spot, and one on the actual explosion site;
    • fixed a bug, due to which the fire followed the charater's movements if Molotov exploded upon impact with the character model;
    • fixed a bug, due to whcih the burning sound would sometimes stop before the animation end.
  • Basic Ammo Pack:
    • fixed a bug, due to which the ability to shoot would sometimes disapper when restoring ammo with the mod "Instant Reload" installed;
    • fixed a bug, due to which sometimes, when pressing the fast class device access button, a primary weapon istead of the ammo pack appeared in the character's hands.
  • Strider H&K G36 Assault: fixed a bug, due to which no additional geometry of the skinend version was shown in ADS mode.
  • IMBEL IA2 Assault: fixed a bug, due to which the player would return into battle after being reanimated with a pistol in hands, if they died with no ammo in the under-barrel grenade launcher.
  • Undead IMBEL IA2 Assault: fixed a bug, due to which the geometry of the trigger would be incorrectly displayed when shooting wiht the under-barrel grenade launcher.
  • SA Hellion: fixed a bug, due to which the muzzle flash was visible through obstacles.
  • Sentry 12: fixed a bug, due to which the pellets expulsion animation was not synchronised with the shot.
  • VEPR VPO-X3 and Aviator VEPR VPO-X3: fixed a bug, due to which the iron sight would disappear when shooting in ADS mode.
  • Golden Kriss Super V Custom: fixed a bug, due to which the Redring MK2 Sight would be displayed incorrectly with certain camos.
  • Strider Kel-Tec RDB-C: fixed a bug, due to which the camera would shake on reload.
  • Motor Shop Makarov Pistol: fixed a bug, due to which weapon mastery points were incorrectly credited.
  • Double-wield weapos: fixed a bug, due to which the ADS mode would automatically be activated when shooting and then switching to a different weapon.
  • M4 Marksman Custom (all versions): fixed a bug, due to which, in the description of the mod that increased damage against cyborgs, the weapon should deal 50% more instead of 200 damage points, as it was previously mentioned.
  • Fixed a bug, due to which the progress of some achievements would not be counted when using golden versions of SA Hellion and Benelli M2 SP.
  • Fixed a bug, due to which the bonus to protection against explosives would not sum together with a similar bonus type, if it were present.


  • "Capture": fixed a bug due to which the icon of captured launch codes could be displayed incorrectly relative to the character model.
  • "Blackgold 2.0": fixed a bug due to which you could enter a game area, not designed for this purpose.

PvE and Special Operations

  • "Rift: Revelation":
    • fixed some texture issues (textures could not be displayed or players got stuck in them);
    • fixed a bug due to which dialogues in some places were played in the wrong order;
    • fixed a bug that sometimes prevented a player from being forced to migrate to allies in case they fell behind the team;
    • fixed a bug, due to which in some cases the icon, when fighting the SED mini-boss, was displayed incorrectly;
    • fixed a bug, due to which in some cases the respawn after death occurred in the incorrect place;
    • fixed a bug, due to which in some cases, turrets did not fire during the fight with the final boss.
  • Fixed a bug, due to which after completing the special operations "Pripyat" and "Blackwood" the counters on the screen with the end mission results  displayed incorrect number of crowns.


  • Fixed some bugs that caused the game client to crash.
  • Game Chat: fixed a bug, due to which in some when sending a message, it contained extra technical text.
  • Mod Inventory: fixed a bug, due to which the mod effects on weapon characteristics were not highlighted.
  • Contracts: fixed a bug that redirected the player to an empty interface if the button in the contract stage description was activated while the player was in the room lobby.
  • Post-match Statistics Screen: fixed a bug, due to which the "Victory" and "Defeat" were not centred on some screen resolutions.
  • Fixed a bug that caused some weapon textures to display incorrectly after choosing TSAA smoothing type in the graphics settings.
  • Fixed a bug that caused some screen resolutions to display the content description of boxes incorrectly in their opening section.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the text on the buttons in the main interface of the game to be written in different registers.

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